Saturday, March 21, 2009

Captain of the Guard


Actually hit the honor requirements a few days ago, but messing with law skill, warp effects and a few other things delayed that until tonight. Actually been a consuming passion for months now to the point I've done little but sit in Losthaven rather than adventure. So first there was the elation of completing the task and now there's a sense of 'now what?'

In other news, Fledge is gone :( Due to the warp stuff and the general run of bad luck I felt that need to reinvent Gav. I went through a dark phase and switched to raven ranger, but that didn't last long. Still sad over Fledge I couldn't just pick up a random pegasus and a horse would have been too close. So I've went with warhound. Actually wanted one of those for a while and discussed dual-ranger guilding (impossible I hear even with donations) to bond one. With Fledge gone for other reasons, seemed like an opportunity. So I found this monster of a hound by accident and named her Gwynned. Level 25 right off the bat, nice dog.


  1. Congratulations on beating Surgin to cpt., although I doubt he will ever step up to it. He had to buff skills to make it to lieutenant, between de-speccing skills since then, and especially with his mental disorders he will not, nor should be a captain.

    Fledge will be missed, I have memories of sneaking off with her when you weren't paying attention to go knock off some of Ahrikols' guards or what have you. Best of luck to you and your new hound, Gavadel may be in a rut, but the Prices of Amber shall never fall.

  2. I heard a rumor that you found Gwynned fighting some gnolls. You should keep that in the story, it's awesome. :)

  3. Yep, she was already quite scarred when I found her too which suggests an interesting history for an NPC before I stumbled across her.
