Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kudos to my fellow players...

Honestly... I was expecting a lot more whining and bitching after I figured out about the rollout. Issues, bugs, things not working how you expect (my own experience with the trees and the STEEP mountain that led to the death of Suzasti) aren't what I'm talking about. They're valid issues. I know some people are worried, even good sorts, but just about everyone has attacked the new map with gusto and enthusiasm.

Sorry, my negative expectations were based on the last MAJOR rollout with the new spec system or before that when HPs were detached from levels, both of which led to a lot of whining and big name players leaving the game. So I'll have to say I've been pleasantly surprised. Really, thanks for being great and supporting Lysator and the rest of the staff.


  1. I've been kind of boggling at the idea that prevailed prior to the expansion that people would somehow be put off in a major way by it. After all, we've all had some time (since the roll-out of Avalon, at least) to get used to the idea of the world becoming a bigger place. Plus, it isn't like there hasn't been a lot of warning. Of course, I was on a mud-break of about a year or so when the spec system made its first appearance, so I may have missed the pessimism-inducing orgy of snit-fits that that must have been. ;)

  2. Yeah, not denigrating anyone in particular or whatever. Just in my experience whenever there's been a MAJOR change there's usually a lot of bitching. I was there for both the hitpoint change and the spec rollout. Spec rollout was probably a lot more difficult to take because it meant some high level characters finding things far too different and their power level and skill loss was hard to take. A fair number of players 'left' that day. (Left as in probably most came back after a bit). So yeah, the spec rollout has left me kinda cynical when it comes to what to expect from the playerbase when there's a major change. THIS however has made me change my opinion.
