Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Band is Dead... Long live my retainers.

The Band is dead, it was wiped out by that pesky POEE who sent them all to their doom in Exoma. I could have reconstructed the Band but after spending a weekend building up a nice decent sized group (Was about 10 men all told). I just didn't have the heart and as mentioned in an earlier post I gave up on followers. Just me, Fledge and Ruby. As a Knight however I've decided to take up the minimum once more, a squire Leah has joined our ranks and a yeoman, Uradan who'll hold my banner He has to level first, Bannerman are notoriously hard to level up once they start holding the banner. A couple of pegasi for them and that's it. So just the four of us. It isn't the Band reborn or anything I'm taking my skillset elsewhere these days, and I'm not pouring my heart into trying to make the small group work.

It will be easier to manage though.


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